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Financial Happenings Blog
Wednesday, October 17 2007

We have updated our Building Portfolios web page to reflect 5 year investment returns up to the end of September 2007 for our preferred style of investments offered by Dimensional Fund Advisors.  The returns continue to reflect the premiums from investing in the small and value segments of both the Australian and international markets.  They look as follows:

Australian Shares

Average Annual Returns:



5 Year Annual Return

to End September 2007

Dimensional - Australian Large Company Trust


Dimensional - Australian Value Trust


Dimensional - Australian Small Company Trust



Growth of $10,000 Invested over the 5 years:



5 Year Annual Return

to End September 2007

Dimensional - Australian Large Company Trust


Dimensional - Australian Value Trust


Dimensional - Australian Small Company Trust


International Shares


Average Annual Returns:



5 Year Annual Return

to End September 2007

Dimensional - Global Large


Dimensional - Global Value


Dimensional - Global Small


Dimensional - Emerging Markets



Growth of $10,000 Invested over the 5 years:



5 Year Annual Return

to End September 2007

Dimensional - Global Large


Dimensional - Global Value


Dimensional - Global Small


Dimensional - Emerging Markets



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Posted by: Scott Keefer AT 07:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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